Being a Product Manager can be tough

Product Management is probably one of the coolest jobs in the industry. It’s a role that can maximize your existing talents and expertise while bringing out your creativity, analytical skills, and technical gumption.

But it can be tough when you’re facing these challenges:

  • Feeling stuck in your current role and unsure how to get to your next career step. Maybe you’re not even clear on what your next career step is.

  • Constantly doubting yourself and holding yourself back from being proactive, initiating complicated conversations with senior leadership and stakeholders, or taking up a bigger space!

  • Finding it difficult to keep up with the latest tools, frameworks, trends, and technologies, and feel like you're always one step behind everybody else.

  • Failing to influence key decision-makers in your organization or communicate effectively with your team and stakeholders.

  • Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your job and struggling to keep your calendar under control.

Being a Product Leader needs a transformation

Congratulations on getting your first product leadership role! And welcome to a whole new world with a different set of rules and a completely new set of responsibilities.

But the excitement can easily be replaced by dread when facing these challenges:

  • Feeling intimidated because now your decisions, priorities, and strategies impact your entire organization vs only your squad while making sure that your entire organization has a positive business impact.

  • Feeling like you’re stuck in the middle while at the same time, being pulled in multiple directions — balancing the demands of your direct reports, your leadership, and your stakeholders.

  • Uncertainty about you can help your team grow, become good at their craft, and support them in their career development.

  • Feeling overwhelmed because your meetings have multiplied by 10, your deliverables by 100, and your deadlines all feel like they were yesterday.

  • Feeling lonely because now who can you get support from, share your feelings with, or even complain with without looking like you’re incapable to be a good leader.

Do any of these sound familiar?

I can imagine, because these were the struggles I’ve had to navigate throughout my career.
And these are the struggles I’m helping my coaching clients navigate in theirs.

Working with me as your coach ensures that you get the support you need to remove your barriers, get good at your job, and feel confident about your impact !

As a Product Leader with more than a decade of experience building products from different industries and coaching Women in Product, I have a unique approach to my coaching that is grounded in practical knowledge, personal experience, and diverse perspectives.

My coaching is centered around building confidence, developing practical skills, and creating a can-do mindset. I will work with you to identify your strengths and development areas, set achievable goals, and create a concrete strategy to help you achieve success.

So whether you want to:

  • Build healthy relationships ROOTED IN TRUST with your most challenging stakeholders and leaders

  • Improve your communication so you can build credibility, motivate people, and influence changes in your organization

  • Become confident with the decisions you make about your product, your strategy, and your organization

  • Develop your leadership and people management toolkit to make you an effective and confident Product Leader so you can build a team of strong product people

  • Strengthen your personal brand as an expert in your role and attract the right opportunities that match your career goals

  • Learn different techniques to combat impostor syndrome, influence decisions, and continuously advocate for your personal and professional well-being

  • Feel more in control of your time and have more energy to be proactive and enjoy your role!

We'll work together to make it happen!

Next steps? Book a call with me and we’ll discuss how we can tailor my coaching program for you.

Why Work With Me?

I’ve been working in the tech industry since 2005 and in the last 11 years I’ve found the biggest fun in Product Management and Leadership.

I’ve built products that were used by millions of people worldwide. I’ve designed processes and organizations that impacted hundreds of people. And I’ve helped 100+ women feel confident and enjoy their careers as Product Managers and Product Leaders.

In 2020, I co-founded a community for women empowerment, Career Hacking for Women. And in 2024, I co-founded a startup focused on well-being for Women, Magical Audios.

My coaching approach is a healthy mix of the following:

  • Practical work

  • Personal advising

  • Reflective coaching

If you’re ready to know more, let’s book a call and I’d love to discuss how I can help you get even better at what you do.

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